Monday, March 10, 2008

Stuck Rubber Baby

I'll preface this with the fact that I do indeed like Stuck Rubber baby. However, I have a problem with the presentation of it in the beginning of the book. My problem has to with the fact that the writer gets an unfair advantage on the writer. And this is a problem that I often come across in literature that I've had to lately read, namely someone binging a gun to a knifefight. It occurs when someone starts off a book with a really woe is me, woe has been my life kind of plot. My choice with Stuck Rubber Baby seems to be: Do I like this books, or do I hate gays, blacks, and orphans? Obviously, I'm not a bigot, so my choice seems to be that I like this book--as I've already admitted. However, I don't know what I gain from reading this book, and what nuance would be expanded that I would gain benefit from reading this book. I have more to say on this, but I have to go into a class right now, so I'll put up another post later, but this was bugging me over the weekend as I was reading.

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